Understanding the background

People with illnesses often have many routine medications that they have to take. These medications comes with various name, doses, and time. Keeping what and when to take a medication is a hefty job. People tends to missed their medication schedule, especially when they have more than 5 medications a day.

When one of my family was diagnosed with stroke, I have to track his medication everyday. I downloaded a medication tracker and reminder app to help me. But every app that I try have some problems.

The problems

The first problem is from the schedule page. It only show how much pill to take, but not the dose. People get a 500mg pill first and registered it on the app. But when they need to refill, it is often occur that the stock for 500mg pill is empty. Instead, the get a 250mg one and thus they have to take 2 pills. The app doesn’t accommodate that case, and people may be confused and take the wrong amount of medication.

Another issue is on the add medication process. It doesn’t give clear information of what the user needs to fill. Because some input is optional. Meanwhile, some useful information (like when to take the medication relative to eating) is note clearly present. User have to take several steps to fill it.

Other issue is with the schedule. The list only shows medication name and intake amount. As we all know, drug’s name is hard to read and not natural to our everyday language. People tends to forget their drug name and needs to search their inventory for a long time.

The intention of this redesign is to create more useful schedule page and to make the add medication flow more natural.

Visually clearer

The schedule shows clear intruction on how much medicine to take. Complete with its strength and additional instruction. It also show the icon of the medication to helps user know instantly which medicine to take.

Redesigned schedule page showing clearer and more useful informations.

Easy access

People sometimes missed the reminder screen. Being able to log a single medication directly makes it easier.

Useful reminder

The reminder is filled with only useful informations like medication time and dose. The reminder also provides direct action to log the medication.

Improved adding medication experience

The form gives clearer and concise instruction on what the user needs to input. "What is the medication?", "When will you take it?" gives clear picture on what the form is.